Marriage/pre-marital Counselling Session

The first institution of marriage was created by God, marriage was created so that the man can have a help mate. As a result, marriage is honourable, sacred, and holy and should be taken very seriously.  At HANS TV we have a team of Trained Empathic, Professional, Counsellors will be more than willing to listen and assist you with expert advice on marriage.

Our focus is to:

  • Assist in restoring, repairing, and rebuilding the family structure.
  • Strengthen relationships and building healthy marriages
  • Let our trained Professional Counsellors advise you how to save your marriage before there is a breakdown
  • Educate you how to enjoy and maintain strong healthy, happy, and wholesome relationship as you prepare to take on new responsibilities.
  • Help you to identify weaknesses and issues that could pose potential problems in your marriage

Our programs are made possible by your generous donations, help us spread the gospel and to keep the program on air both on HANS TV( to have a Global reach) and on Gospel JA FM (for a reach in Jamaica)

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