
Catch 22 Prophecy

Smaller Churches will be forced to merge with larger Congregation!!!
Get on your face before God! Hear What the Spirit is saying to the Church!!!
There is a well respected Bishop in the US that will be assisting the authorities to ensure that the smaller churches close their doors.
House to House Gathering will resume for many prepare your Leaders for this.

The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me saying; that the year 2022 will be “Catch 22” for many of my people.

Some will be martyred, I saw many taken away in vans against their will; with their hands bound behind them.

However, there will be a great revival as many will be running in the street preaching my word.

A hidden difficulty or means of entrapment : CATCH

Prophetess Hope McDowell Gibson
March 29th, 2020

Year 2021 Prophetic Word

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